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Pathway towards
hope, restoration
& healing

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Our Guiding Principle

Our purpose is to create a pathway towards hope, restoration & healing. Guiding our young mothers & mothers-to-be towards holistic transformation; physically, mentally, and emotionally.  

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Our Services

Home of House for Destiny is a maternity oasis that provides 24-hour residential care and supervision to young mothers and mothers to be their child(ren). Home of House For Destiny provides services that will afford young mothers a high level of individual care, support, teaching and developing personal skills for healthy living and effective parenting.

Home of House For Destiny


Preparation for motherhood is not solely physical, but encompasses the mind, body, and soul. Our parenting program incorporates education, skill-building activities, and existential therapy to help the young mothers and mothers to understand and embrace the physical, mental, and emotional changes that occur from prenatal to postnatal and beyond.  Our parenting program creates an illuminative platform of transformation holistically; physically, mentally, and emotionally.  

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House For Destiny, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that was established to provide services and implement programs to towards self-sufficiency for young, unwed mothers. Your support and contributions will enable us to provide optimum care for our young women.

Thank you for your generous donation.


Get in Touch

Everything from clothes to furniture to automobiles may be donated. Please contact us for more details.

House For Destiny, Inc.

Georgia, United States

(678) 242 - 9793

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